As part of my plan to share my vision and experience about mobility-related topics and impact the industry I am passionate about [more information about my 2020 strategy here], I wanted to join a structure that would allow me to get my message amplified up to an international level. When I heard that the WEF is looking for building a coalition around new mobility, I did everything I had to do to join that group.

What’s WEF?

The World Economic Forum is a global swiss non-for-profit organisation that engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. As part of its mission to support sustainable mobility solutions, the organisation recently created The Global New Mobility Coalition (GNMC). This group is an active and diverse community of contributors for accelerating the shift to Shared, Electric and Autonomous Mobility (SEAM) systems.

The GNMC publicly communicates a sustainable mobility vision to civic, public and private stakeholder in order to catalyse supply and demand for carbon-neutral mobility ecosystem by 2050.

I am not only proud but also committed to leverage this fellowship to move some lines and get great achievements done with the members.

If you have any suggestions about how to make an impact with WEF or want to know more about what we do there, feel free to contact me or visit

As always, share your vision and engage with me! 😊


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